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Check out my tumblr page, my user name is frizzy-lizzy-xd. I am the skrub lord.
I  SEXUALLY IDENIFY AS KOOL AID MAN! OH YEAH! I like Steven universe and hetalia. My fav you tuber is CrankGamePlays

Contact / socail media

If you need anything, just msg me!

I''ll link my socail medai!




About Me

                          Name: Lizzy

                        Gender: Female

                      Sexaullity: Bisexaul

                   Fav Color: Purple / blue

                               Age: 15

 HI, I'm Lizzy, as you already know! I can get really weird or really inappropriate. I curse a lot, which is a bad habit. I love YouTube, It's kind of my life now!

freqently asked Qeustions

               Q : Can you make some art for me?

A: Yes! I do take commission, of course you would have to pay me for the art

             Q: Can we be friends? / Can I add you?

A: OF COURSE! As long as I have talked to you in a chat. NO RANDOM FRIEND REQUESTS!

                            Q: Can we date?

                          A: No, you Fuck wad

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